Recruiting - Day 3

So we're asking more questions to make recommendations, and when we're making recommendations we're giving the agent the IS...DOES...MEANS of that recommendation.

Now here comes the fun part, you get to tell some agents NO. Well, I guess I should rephrase that. Depending on your organizations philosophy you should be able to tell some agents no. Some organization are what I call the masses of asses. Recruit everyone and some of them will write business. Some organization look at it as more of a business decision for you. This really boils down to your position. If you're only job is to recruit and you get paid on new agents, recruit everyone. If you're job is to not only recruit the agent but to also get them into production, you need to be a little more particular about who you recruit.

If you are in the second position feel free to say no. You will learn very quickly which agents are going to suck all your time and aren't going to write any business. Sometimes this is a hard lesson to learn, but if you do, you'll be much more successful and enjoy your job so much more. If I had half the time back from some of the agents that I've recruited in the past, I would of had a lot more producing agents I can guarantee you that!

So know your business, know your role, and recruit to that. If you are responsible for the recruiting and production of that agent and he just does not fit, or he's never written an annuity, say no. Trust me the time you'll spend on that agent and the odds of them ever getting up and writing for you, you could of found 2 agents that do write annuities, and can put business with you right away.

This is the beginning stages of time management. Most of you are running your own business whether you know it or not. You need to spend your time with the agents that are going to help you be successful in your business. Save your charity work for after hours.

The Marketer

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