Recruiting - Day 3

So we're asking more questions to make recommendations, and when we're making recommendations we're giving the agent the IS...DOES...MEANS of that recommendation.

Now here comes the fun part, you get to tell some agents NO. Well, I guess I should rephrase that. Depending on your organizations philosophy you should be able to tell some agents no. Some organization are what I call the masses of asses. Recruit everyone and some of them will write business. Some organization look at it as more of a business decision for you. This really boils down to your position. If you're only job is to recruit and you get paid on new agents, recruit everyone. If you're job is to not only recruit the agent but to also get them into production, you need to be a little more particular about who you recruit.

If you are in the second position feel free to say no. You will learn very quickly which agents are going to suck all your time and aren't going to write any business. Sometimes this is a hard lesson to learn, but if you do, you'll be much more successful and enjoy your job so much more. If I had half the time back from some of the agents that I've recruited in the past, I would of had a lot more producing agents I can guarantee you that!

So know your business, know your role, and recruit to that. If you are responsible for the recruiting and production of that agent and he just does not fit, or he's never written an annuity, say no. Trust me the time you'll spend on that agent and the odds of them ever getting up and writing for you, you could of found 2 agents that do write annuities, and can put business with you right away.

This is the beginning stages of time management. Most of you are running your own business whether you know it or not. You need to spend your time with the agents that are going to help you be successful in your business. Save your charity work for after hours.

The Marketer

Recruiting - Day 2

Now that you've taken the time to ask some crucial questions it's time to make a recommendation to your client...the agent.

I'm sure you have several tools in your arsenal to choose from, which is the biggest reason for asking questions to be able to narrow down what is the best fit for the agent. When you figure out which one is the best fit you have to present it in such a way that he understands it. You don't want to give them information in a way that is going to allow them to interpret for themselves whether it is good or bad. The reason why...because it is different from what they are already doing so it is automatically going to be bad if they have to decide for themselves, no one likes change.

This is where I want you to use a concpet today that I call "IS...DOES...MEANS" So when you tell an agent about your program you present it to them by describing what it is, what it does, and what it will mean to them and their business.

For Example: "I think the appointment setting program (IS) that we offer would be the best fit for you. It has generated a 3% response rate (DOES) for all of the agents using it. Which will simplify your life (MEANS) by having the appointment set for you. All you have to do is check your calendar in the morning. This allows you to spend more time selling versus prospecting (REALLY MEANS)!

Try this in every recommendation you make whether recruiting or product. Before you make the recommendation think "IS...DOES...MEANS"

Happy Recruiting.

The Marketer

Recruiting - Day 1

There are several things to consider and techniques to use in successful recruiting. However, if you are looking for the silver bullet I'm going to give it to your right now, and it's a doozy, are you ready? ASK QUESTIONS!

Ok, so it's not that simple, but almost. The problem with most marketers when they are recruiting they are just spewing out information and letting the agent decide for himself whether what you have to say is good for him or not. Again, think like an agent on this one. If an agent was with a client and just started talking about how great his company was and all the wonderful things he could offer them, how successful do you think that agent would be? Not very is the answer to that question. So why should you act any differently to an agent. When the agent tells you that he doesn't want to answer your questions and just wants you to tell him about your program ask him this question,

"Agent, let me ask you this, if you were sitting with one of your clients and they told you to tell them what you have to offer. Would you just start telling them all the things you could do for them or would you have to ask questions first to make sure you made the correct recommendation?

It's amazing how well this works. So your goal for today is to focus on trying to ask more questions of the agents. I can almost guarantee you that you'll have to use the questions from above at least once today if you truly are asking questions to make a recommendation versus just spewing at the mouth and hoping something sticks.

Happy Recruiting. Click on the "comments" link below this post and give me your feedback.

The Marketer

Blog Expectations I've gotten enough feedback from several different sources to give me some ideas on the most effective way to operate this blog. Of course everyone would like to know how to get business in the door and how to increase business. I will get to those but I feel I have to start with the most important factor...recruiting the right agent.

See getting business is difficult if you are recruiting agents that don't write business already. Increasing your business is difficult if you're not continuing to recruit good agents. So I guess what I'm saying is I believe it will be difficult for me to talk about getting business and increasing business if you don't have the foundation that it takes to be successful at either one of those.

The plan of this blog is to have an entry every morning on one topic a week. So starting next week you'll see an entry on Monday morning in regards to recruiting the right agent.

I would encourage you to make this blog your home page so that when you boot your computer in the morning and pull up the Internet that you take two seconds and read that days entry and try to implement something in there each day to help you increase your success.

I look forward to your comments and questions.

The Marketer

Increasing Production - Your Mind Set

When you've gotten to the point that you are getting some production, the next question can I get more? I encourage you to take a step back at this point and think like an agent. This is the point where you are really going to have to separate yourself from the pack. When an agent is trying to increase his business how does he do it? Well here are just a few ways:

1. Prospect for new clients
2. Ask for referrals
3. Up sell existing clients

So in your world first and foremost you must still recruit. The nice thing about recruiting at this point in your career though, when you're already getting production and just trying to increase it, is the fact this it is much easier to more selective about the type of agent you work with.

In our business I can promise you that any one of your agents either knows, recruits, or networks with a handful of other agents. So why do you feel uncomfortable asking your agents for referrals of other agents. The agents they know are writing business already so it's not like they're taking business away from themselves. You're not your agents favorite toy, they will be willing to share you especially if they know you do good work! A good agent will pride himself on having a referral business only at some point in his career...why shouldn't you?

Odds are you are not getting 100% of all of your agents production. Ask them why. Why are they writing with other marketers. What is the other wholesaler giving them that you aren't? If it is something you can do then do it, help them when the time is right! is the number one problem why marketers can not increase production they way they want...are you ready? They look at their agents as a production number not a client. What would happen if an agent looked at their clients across the table like a paycheck? Treat your agents like they treat a client. Take your time, don't push, have their best interests at heart. Understand that the better service you provide, the more intelligent recommendations you make, and the better you actually listen to them the more production they are going to write with you!

Hope this has been helpful...make sure to leave me your feedback!


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by, you won't be sorry that you did. This blog is designed to offer tips, tools, and techniques to increase your success as a marketer. Most marketers fall in to one of three categories:
  1. Rookie - Brand new to the industry trying to find your groove.
  2. Pro - Understand the business, but feels stuck.
  3. All Star - Having great success and always looking for new ideas.
Now these are the three categories of marketers that still have a chance to succeed. You also have 2 other categories:
  1. The Bench Warmers - Always making excuses about why someone else is successful and they're not.
  2. The Water Boy - Tells everyone what they want to hear to keep their job but have no real intention of ever trying harder to do more.
If you're in one of the first three categories this is going to be a great resource for you. If you're in one of the bottom 2 categories you are not going to appreciate this site and will spend more time trying to comment on why I'm wrong or telling me I don't know what I'm talking about.

So if you're ready to get some great ideas please take the time to vote on the topic that we are going to cover first. You can vote to the left of this post.

I look forward to helping you achieve the level of success you're truly striving for in your career as a marketer!